Sexual deviance has historically been described differently by different people. The sexual acts that are now considered normal by psychologists were probably deemed as abnormal and unacceptable by ancient civilizations. Similarly, certain romantic affiliations and practices were normalized and widespread in the past but are now ostracized and prohibited. Islam, the religion of God, doesn't actually care what psychologists deem as halal or haram. Scientists tell us that premarital sex, extramarital sex and masturbation aren't harmful sexual behaviors. They tell us that homosexuality is normal and must not be looked as sexual deviance (paraphilia). But Muslims believe that these practices, even if psychologically normal, are morally wrong and must not be acted upon. We know that pork and champagne aren't as harmful as they were in the past but God didn't forbid us from consuming them because of some evil attached to him; He forbade these things because they are ethically unclean. Similarly, Islam doesn't allow Muslims to engage in any kind of sexual pleasure (not even looking at porn) except for heterosexual marriage.

But this article is actually about some sexual behaviors which are now acceptable in the western society. But first let's look at the definition of sexual deviance in some dictionaries. Richard Tewksbury writes in the abstract of his article Sexual Deviance:

Sexual deviance, and what is defined as sexually deviant, is culturally and historically specific. This concept refers to behaviors where individuals seek erotic gratification through means that are considered odd, different, or unacceptable to either most or influential persons in one's community.

The dictionary of APA (American Psychological Association) describes sexual deviance, which it also calls sexual perversion, a form of paraphilia that is regarded as significantly different from the standards established by its culture or subculture. So, on the basis of this fine definition, it's safe to assume that homosexuality is still a perversion in our society, just as pedophilia is a deviation in the western (and also Islamic) culture. But that's not it. Ryan Anderson, writing for Psychology Today, writes in 2016 CE that a recent study has shown sexual deviance isn't as uncommon in Canada as we think it is. In the words of the author, many acts typically regarded as abnormal or deviant are in fact reasonably common.

Psychology Today defines paraphilia in quite interesting words. A paraphilia is a condition in which a person's sexual arousal and gratification depend on fantasizing about and engaging in sexual behavior that is atypical and extreme. A paraphilia is considered a disorder when it causes distress or threatens to harm someone else. A paraphilia can revolve around a particular object (children, animals, underwear) or a particular behavior (inflicting pain, exposing oneself) but is distinguished by a preoccupation with the object or behavior to the point of being dependent on that object or behavior for sexual gratification. Most paraphilias are far more common in men than in women. The focus of a paraphilia is usually very specific and unchanging. First of all, it shows that the men are more prone to engage in abnormal sexual behavior than woman because of their higher testosterone level. Secondly, the true and precise definition of paraphilia is subjective to the culture you're talking about. Thirdly, psychologists have now a quite nuanced definition of normophilic sexual orientations in which they don't differentiate between getting aroused by the genitals of which gender.  

Let me write down names of some of the abnormal (paraphilic) sexual behaviors:

Pedophilia: Sexually attracted to children.
Exhibitionism: Exposing one's genitals to strangers.
Voyeurism: Watching unsuspecting victims in private moments.
Frotteurism: Touching a non-consenting victim.
Fetishism: Sexual activity with inanimate objects.
Masochism: The desire to suffer pain.
Sadism: The desire to inflict pain.
Transvestite Disorder: Getting aroused by cross-dressing. 

In the chart I have pasted above are mentioned some of the fancy fads that are in fashion right now. People in United States and Canada are now being frenzy about their sexuality. Some people think that have multiple genders, some believe they change their gender when night arrives, some claim there are 70+ genders while others want people to address them by made-up pronouns. The world has now become a playground for adults where sexuality is the latest game in trend. God save us all!

Gay: This is a person who is sexually attracted to the people of his own sex (male or female).
Bisexual: This is a person who is sexually attracted to the people of both sexes (male and female).
Asexual: This is a person who is sexually attracted to nobody.
Gender Fluid: This is a person who sometimes feels more masculine and sometimes feels more feminine. His gender identity shifts between these two sexes (male and female).
Pansexual: This is a gender-blind person who is sexually attracted to anyone regardless of their gender identity.
Genderqueer: A more complex version of non-binary in which a person can identify himself/herself as neither male or female, both male and female or some combination of gender identities.
Transgender: This is a person who doesn't identify with the gender assigned to him/her at birth. So, if he's born a man, he feels like a woman (and wants to be called she) and vice versa. Also known as transsexual.
Non-binary: This is a person who identifies as neither male or female but somewhere in between.
Intersexual: This is a person who was born with a mixed male/female anatomy. We have hijras in South Asia who are intersex individuals as they seem to have the characteristics of both males and females. But this category is very broad and complex.
Bear: Just a hairy beastly gay/bisexual man.
Lipstick Lesbian: A lesbian who is feminine.
Straight Ally: A normal person who doesn't exhibit any of these sexually deviant behaviors but supports all these paraphilic behaviors. A non-LGBTQ person who accepts LGBTQ people.
Polysexual: A person who is sexually attracted to multiple genders (and they claim there are 70+ genders).
Transsexual: Same as transgender.
Aromantic: A person who doesn't have romantic feelings towards any other person. 
Autosexual: A person who is sexually attracted towards himself/herself.
Polyamorous: It's just like polygamy.
Agender: This person doesn't have any gender or doesn't care about his/her gender identity.
Lithsexual: A person who loves someone but doesn't want to be loved by that person. If his/her love interest reciprocates romantic feelings, the lithsexual individual will stop loving that person.
Trigender: They have three genders.
Lesbian: A woman who is sexually attracted to other women.
Skoliosexual: This is a person who is attracted to someone who has an abnormal gender identity. We normal people are called cisgenders. Skoliosexuals are attracted to everyone except us.
Bigender: Guess what? This person has two gender identities.
Demisexual: These people are sexually attracted to someone with whom they have formed an emotional connection. 
Androphilia: Sexual attraction towards adult males.
Gynephilia: Sexual attraction towards adult females.
Lithromantic: These are just lithsexual people without sexual attraction and just platonic love, I guess.
Neutrois: It's null or neutral gender.

May God save us from all these freakishness!


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