Yagami Light was Evil!

Reasons why the anti-hero from Death Note should be considered an evil person and the causes behind his failure as the redeemer of humanity

    Death Note is, by any standards, the greatest manga ever written in otaku history of the Japanese comic strips, and this is coming from a hardcore Dragon Ball fan who calls himself one of the many Goku-tards who are seriously considering the idea of establishing the Church of Son Goku and the Latter-Day Saiya-jins. No, I'm just kidding.

    Death Note follows the life story of a Japanese youth named Yagami Light who finds a shinigami's (reaper) Death Note, a heavenly-notebook enabling its owner to kill any person he desires. The rules are complex but straightforward. You know a man by face. You write down his real name in the Death Note while focusing on his facial identity. The man dies within 40 seconds of a heart attack, unless you write additional details for which you are given some 6+ minutes, after which the man's actions can be controlled by you for around 3 weeks. You can force him into committing suicide, write down a message with his blood, hide himself making it difficult for the law-enforcing agencies to discover the corpse and many more tactics which are humanly possible (for instance, Light once tried to make a Japanese guy fly to Paris within one hour but it didn't happen [and Light, the evil genius, knew it won't happen]).

   After handling the Death Note a few times, Light is convinved of its powers and decides to eliminate criminal element from the world. He meets the Note's previous owner, the shinigami Ryuku, who had dropped the weapon of mass destruction in the human world only because he was bored to death and wished to entertain himself. The entire twelve volumes of the well-acclaimed manga rotates around the mental battle between Light and the secret service agents (L and N), provoking the interest of the readers and making them flinch every time they think Light will be caught as the notorious Kira (Killer), the secret identity of Light as Note's user. For me, the most goose-bumpy incident was when Ray Penber's fiance had deduced the method using which Kira (or Light as she didn't know the real identity of the Killer) had used and disposed off her to-be husband, and then Light had only a few minutes to make her reveal her true name. Reading the manga, you hate and curse Light for being such a cold-blooded murderer as he continues with killing off innocent servicemen only for being involved in the Kira Murder investigations. But you can't help feeling intimidated and often respectful in awe and admiration when Light reverses the actions taken against him with perfect calm. You cry out, "Though he is an evil bastard, he is one hell of a badass!"
    The Kira of the actual Death Note (manga and anime) is a cool-headed Sherlock who feels positively exhilarated when wise adversaries challenge him, who acts like a god who is cleansing the world off evil and never gives up hold of his calmness. Light tactically protects his profile before his family members and even L when he acts like a genius student who is being suspected but who seriously wants to prove his innocence before the Japanese police. Like a shameless asshole, Light addresses the policemen he works with regarding the threat Kira poses to the world and how necessary it is to track him down. Indeed, of all the false prophets and all the charlatans who have ever fooled their audience with perfectly-planned lies and cunningly-devised profiles, Yagami Light is the best.
    One may sense the disappointment among the fandom when the Death Note (2017) was released. Light was portrayed as a weepy-ass joker and L (played by a black man!) was shown to be one shaky-handed crybaby. Light reveals his secret identity before L however, in the actual story, Light never admits he is Kira.

    But it is beyond doubt that Light was a evil. He was a conceited self-centered narcissistic bigoted evil genius. I was watching the anime and I realized the need to point out the mistakes Light made during his entire tenure as Kira.
1.    His first mistake was to murder L's double. It shows that Light is easy to provoke. It shows that Light does not forgive blasphemy and is a pretentious fool. He easily falls into L's carefully-laden trap and exposes his whereabouts to the police. It shows that he is prepared to murder even innocent policemen just for insulting his mission.
2.    His second mistake is to accept Ryuku's deal. The deal states that the Note's user can have the reaper's eyes for the price of half of his remaining life-span. But Light rejects the offer only because he values his life more than his mission of cleansing the world.
3.    His third mistake was to organize the bus-jacking to get his hands on Ray Penber's name and then to murder him. We know that Penber was going to report Light as innocent when the bus-jacking took place. Light kills a FBI agent who poses no threat to his security or well-being. The entire fiasco with the Japanese police shows Light as a brutal cult leader.
    Moreover, Light was, indeed, bent on criminal elimination. He was
such a heartless beast that his father was drying in a hospital bead and Light was pushing him to write down the name of an enemy only his father knew by name. He even felt no sexual inclination towards women because his sole love was for his own personality which he expected to become god one day. So, he is prepared to kill off 'Misa-Misa' when she becomes useless to his mission.

    In the end, Light meets the terrible end he deserves. Ryuku shows that the entire history of Light as Kira is nothing but the reaper's pastime and entertainment. Ryuku is the one who gets the last laugh.
    Death Note ends with the readers imagining what happens with Light after he dies because, as per Ryuku's statement, a Note-user goes neither to heavens or hell. 


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