Prince Muhammad ibn Salman in United States of America attending a meeting with President Donald Trump

I like to begin a story by talking about the protagonist's forefathers. I don't know who the ancestors of the Saudi royal family are. Probably, they were some dissident Bedouin tribesmen who rallied around the false prophet Musaylimah who claimed the titular office of nubuwwah during the final illness of Islamic Prophet Muhammad. But, in the eighteenth century CE, the Saudis were offered the right to government by a ultraconservative puritan revivalist self-proclaimed reformer Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab al-Najadi who wanted to cleanse the land of Arabia from shirk (polytheism) and other hideous innovations he considered anti-Islamic. Since then, there have been three different Saudi dynasties ruling the Arabian Peninsula on and off. The current one is the third Saudi regime which was founded in the beginning of the last century by current king Salman's father Abd al-Aziz ibn Abd al-Rahman ibn Faysal ibn Turki ibn Abdullah whose father was the final ruler of the second Saudi regime. Abd al-Rahman witnessed the demise of his government by the hand of the rival tribe (I still don't get why Arabs were fighting on tribal basis when Islam had clearly put an end to all these disputes more than a thousand years ago!) and the rise of his son as the founder of the modern Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Daulah Saudiyah Arabiyah) in 1902 CE. Abd al-Aziz made his father serve as a spiritual leader until the shaykh breathed his last in 1928 CE and later King Abd al-Aziz passed away in 1953 CE, being succeeded by his six sons (and he had 36 sons who reached adulthood) with Salman being the sixth one to lead the nation founded by his father, just in the manner of the Umayyad and Abbasids caliphs. So much for following the puritan Salafist Wahhabist ideals to create a Rashidun-type government! 

Now, adopting a quantum leap or a fast-forward to the 21st century. King Abdullah gets a lavish and kingly burial ceremony when he gets his soul snatched from his body by the deathly fingers of the Reaper in 2015 CE and his brother Salman was installed by the members of the royal family (who apparently forgot that in any idealistic Islamic khilafah it was the assembly or the congregation of believers that had the right to appoint the Khalifah) asthe seventh emperor of KSA. He immediately removed his own brother as the heir-apparent and nominated his nephew, a certain Muhammad, as his heir-apparent and prime minister. Crown Prince Muhammad proved himself to be an active military strategist in the Yemenite Civil War and became a vocal activist against terrorism which he considered a crime. Unfortunately, just as Yazid I was deemed as the most worthy of all by his respected father, King Salman realized that his own son Muhammad was a better candidate for the throne so, in 2017 CE, the energetic nephew was relieved of all of his positions and Prince Muhammad ibn Salman took oath as the first Deputy Prime Minister of KSA (with his frail and diseased father, the King, being the actual Prime Minister). But that's not the end of the story because he is also the Chairperson of the Council for Economics and Development Affairs, Chairperson of the Council of Political and Security Affairs and Minister of Defense. Doesn't seem nepotism to me. All of them are cousins.

A douche emperor showing another douche emperor around somewhere I don't know. Maybe his bourgeoisie palace? Who cares!

I mean, when he was asked whether anything lied between his self and the throne of his father, he replied by saying these two words:

Only death

I really urge you guys to read this article that actually has an intellectual viewpoint regarding Ibn Salman because I'm just going to mock this sick-minded bastard who is representing himself as some sort of Ataturk or Washington of the Saudi Empire before the western media while at the same time he is involved in the murder of Khashoggi, the bombing of the civilians in Yemen, Syrian conflict, dispute with Iran, and his continuous struggle to create a block of his allies among the Muslim countries to isolate Iran and Qatar. He is just his father in a refurbished packing.

Salman (right) and his son Muhammad (left)

I decided to read the Wikipedia article written about this darling Crown Prince who literally is the practical emperor of one of the richest countries in the entire world. He restricted the power of the religious police, allowed women to drive, weakened the male-guardianship system, organized concerts where a female singer sings publicly, let women enter a sports stadium and opened the country for international tourists.

Courtesy: Wikipedia

But we all know that this darling Crown Prince is just an intolerant dictator. He just gave his people one small bite from the large cake that was originally being baked for the common-folk. You can't abdicate people, put them in detention centers and torture them. You can't allow women to drive cars but also detain the woman who campaigned for her right to drive. You can't starve 13 million Yemenis to starve to death because of a Saudi-induced war against the rebels in which both militants and civilians collectively and indiscriminately die. Most importantly, you just can't avoid the second wave of the Arab Spring that is imminent just by allowing a few reforms to take place in your hell-hole of a country. I don't mean that out of disrespect for the purified peninsula of Hejaz. The lands of Mecca and Medina are literally the most beautiful cities a Muslim can ever dream of. But, sadly for us and gladly for the Devil, the haramayn sharifayn are being taken hostage by a single tribe that thinks they are the masters of the House of Allah. You just can't run your state liken a dictator and refuse your people the right to live in a democratic republic. You can't imagine to fool us by being friends with India and Israel. Nobody cares if you extend a friendly sweaty palm towards Jews. If you are so fond of the western values, abolish the Kingdom and reinstate the Republic that was the original plan of the founder of your school of thought i.e. to bring back the Rashidun regime where the Muslims appointed a person of their liking as their leader whom they were allowed to question.


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