The Final Revival: My Online Book

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Allah is the only god and Muhammad is His final apostle.

Peace be upon you, my friends! I intend to publish an online book on sirah or the biography of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad - peace and blessings be upon him and his lineage, soon enough. It shall be made available to you around February/March of 2019 CE, before which you can check out its demo version for free. This soon too, inshallah! The name of the book is The Final Revival, written by layman for the layman. Please support my diligence and hard-work by reading this beautiful masterpiece of mine. Here is the first chapter of the book - the introductory remarks or the prelude to the original work - presented for your pleasure:

    Why another book on his biography? My friend asked me when I proposed the idea of publishing our first e-book on sirah. Why would anyone read your Life of Muhammad when there are already thousands of such works available on the Internet? I told him point-blank there was no chance! Better and more efficient authors have penned down the events which took place during the lifetime of the Prophet of Islam. But what I found lacking in the works of most Urdu writers is their complete disregard of neutrality when it comes to remembering the founder of their religion. We need from Pakistan a biography of our Prophet by the typing fingers of an educated and unbiased Muslim who cam describe the life-story of Muhammad without any pro-Islamic or anti-Islamic inclinations, rather just the way a journalist reports real-life events.

    The name of this book is The Final Revival pointing towards the Muslim doctrine that their faith is not a unique religion invented by their Prophet (the major reason why they are averse to the usage of the term Muhammadism) rather a continuation, a revival and a rectification of previously-revealed divine systems such as Judaism and Christianity which were distorted by the latter generations. Hence, Muslims recognize all the biblical prophets, a few biblical non-prophetic figures, John and Jesus as God's messengers although with Muhammad being the final and the greatest of all of his predecessors. The study of its originator is quite important a science for anyone who wishes to probe deeper into the mysteries and complexities of Islam. So, sirah or the "biography" is a word used by Muslim doctors mainly to denote Rasulallah's (Apostle of Allah's) biography.

    This book certainly doesn't mean to explain the basics of Islam to someone not familiar with the religion propagated by our main protagonist. Though the systematic succession of the following 19 chapters indirectly shows most of the early development of Islam, as the second largest church on earth (which is Islam) was proclaimed, modified and completed by the Arabian Prophet on the occasion of his Wida' (Farewell) Pilgrimage when Q. 4:3 (final portion of it) was revealed. As Michael H. Hart puts it, the Prophet's personality is the most influential one in the human history, even more important than that of Christ, as Muhammad had been successful both on political and religious grounds, a status seldom achieved by celebrities. When one studies the history of the Prophet, he must bear in mind that the timeline being laid down before his sight belongs to the man who single-handely (in Carlyle's words) converted the Bedouins to monotheism in mere two decades, recited Qur'an which is the finest piece of Arabic literature ever produced, established the Islamic civilization which is one of the dominant cultures of the modern world, and founded the largest government in Arabian history that was later expanded to become more spacious than the Roman Empire at the zenith of its glory. Truth was spoken by him who confirmed that one didn't need to be Muslim to appreciate Muhammad.

Thanks for your time, guys! Stay tuned with Banimesh for further updates about this book. I will inform my readers as soon as I make the demo version (comprised of 6 chapters) available online. May God bless you all!

Muhammad is an Arabic word which means The Praised One


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